
Let’s chat about how we can help your business reach new heights online.

We believe in building genuine relationships with our clients and creating websites that reflect their unique vision.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, we understand the challenges of running a business. We’re here to help you navigate the online world and create a website that attracts new customers and grows your brand.

We bring a wealth of experience and creativity to every project, combining strategic planning with stunning design and cutting-edge development to ensure your website stands out from the competition and delivers exceptional results.

Meet our Owner

Colin is an experienced individual with years of experience working with small businesses and non-profits to improve their websites and online presence.

Founder, CEO & Designer
Colin Froese


What is your process working in smaller projects?

Streamlined and Efficient:

For smaller projects, I prioritize efficiency while maintaining quality. This typically involves:

  • Clearly Defined Scope: We’ll work together to ensure a well-defined project scope that outlines the deliverables and avoids scope creep.
  • Focused Communication: Communication remains crucial, but we can streamline it through email, project management tools, or quick video calls.
  • Agile Approach: I can adapt to your needs and make adjustments as we progress.

Collaboration is Key:

Even in smaller projects, collaboration is essential:

  • Understanding Your Needs: I’ll ask questions to grasp your goals and target audience.
  • Your Input Matters: I’ll incorporate your feedback throughout the process to ensure the final product aligns with your vision.

Delivering Value:

My goal is to deliver maximum value in smaller projects:

  • Prioritized Tasks: I’ll focus on the most impactful tasks that deliver the core functionality or design elements you need.
  • Clear Communication of Progress: I’ll keep you updated on the progress and address any questions you may have.
  • On-Time Delivery: I’ll prioritize meeting deadlines and delivering the project within the agreed timeframe.

By working collaboratively, focusing on the essentials, and maintaining clear communication, I can ensure successful completion of smaller projects that meet your specific needs.

Who is behind Artboard Design?

Hi! I’m Colin Froese, the founder and creative force behind Artboard Design. As a passionate web designer based in Lethbridge, I’m dedicated to helping local businesses thrive online. Artboard Design is my vision brought to life. I started this company in 2023 with the aim of creating beautiful and functional websites that empower Lethbridge businesses to connect with their audience.

I’d like to get to meet fellow designers, how can I do that?

Online Options:

  • Design Communities & Forums: Join online design communities like Dribbble, Behance, or specific design forums related to your area of interest (e.g., UX, graphic design). Participate in discussions, share your work, and connect with other designers who leave comments or have similar interests.
  • Design Slack Groups: Look for Slack groups dedicated to design. Many design agencies or publications have them, or you can find broader design-focused groups. These offer a more interactive and real-time way to connect with designers.
  • Social Media: Follow design influencers and publications on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. Engage with their content, participate in design challenges they might host, and connect with other designers in the comments.
  • Online Design Events: Attend online design conferences, workshops, or webinars. These often feature live chats or breakout sessions where you can interact with other attendees who are also designers.

In-Person Options:

  • Meetup Groups: Search for design meetups in your city or area on Meetup.com. These gatherings allow designers to network, share their work, and discuss design trends in a casual setting.
  • Industry Events & Conferences: Attend design conferences or industry events relevant to your field. These offer opportunities to connect with a wider range of designers, listen to inspiring talks, and participate in workshops.
  • Co-working Spaces: Consider working from a co-working space with a design community. This allows you to be around other designers and potentially strike up conversations or collaborations.
  • Volunteer for Design Organizations: Volunteer your skills for design-related causes or organizations. This is a great way to meet designers who share similar values and contribute to the design community.

General Tips:

  • Be proactive: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Take initiative to join online communities, attend events, or introduce yourself to other designers you meet.
  • Be yourself: Let your personality and design interests shine through in your online interactions and conversations at events.
  • Offer value: Be willing to share your knowledge and expertise with others. This can help you build relationships and establish yourself as a valuable member of the design community.
Can I apply to be a part of the team or work as a contractor?